Iran-China Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement


The history of the colonial powers shows that whenever they made agreements with the opposing powers, their aim was to temporarily delay the situation instead of implementing the agreements. As conditions change, they change color like chameleons. She is always looking for opportunities. As soon as the situation feels in their favor, they attack the other side and destroy it. Until the power of colonialism is weakened, its attitude does not change, it does not give up the habit of stinging.

On the other hand, forces with human values ​​make agreements. Despite this, they ensure peace and security by ending the power struggle. Because without it, the process of evolution of humanity cannot be restored. This is called peace and security worship. Agreements are made to stabilize the situation on a permanent basis. The agreement is primarily a guarantee of the protection of the mutual interests of the parties. The forces of human values ​​respect and abide by these agreements. In the meantime, they do not shy away from sacrificing their lives and property.

Colonialism, on the other hand, sometimes seeks the support of circles that have the illusion of respect for treaties in the world for their reprehensible purposes. In fact, he is abusing their status. Because whenever he fears that the demands of the opposing party are being met, he immediately abandons his promises by keeping these agreements on the back burner. This act of theirs clarifies the difference between the devil and the bearer of human values.

According to a Reuters report dated March 27, 2021, at 3:44 pm on the same day, a 25-year comprehensive cooperation agreement was signed between China and Iran in the Iranian capital Tehran. According to the same news agency, despite US economic sanctions, China and Iran have signed a 25-year cooperation agreement. As a result, the long-standing economic and political alliance between the two nations will be further strengthened. According to the news agency, although the relations between the two nations are old, but with this agreement, these relations are taking the form of strategic partnership (joint geographical defense). On the other hand, Iranian Foreign Minister Dr. Mohammad Javad Zarif said:

"Relations between the two countries have entered a phase of strategic partnership today, and China wants relations with Iran to not only improve, but move forward comprehensively." Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Jiechi has said that "our relations with Iran will not be affected by the current situation."


According to the March 27, 2021 report of the Israeli newspaper "Times of Israel", China is going to invest 400 400 billion in Iran and will get oil in return. The paper goes on to say that the agreement would strengthen military ties and reduce US influence in the Middle East. US economic sanctions will remain ineffective. American newspaper

According to The Diplomat, the Chinese Foreign Minister arrived in Iran on the first leg of his six-nation tour of the Middle East. It will be followed by Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Oman. During his stay in Iran, the Chinese Foreign Minister has arranged a 25-year cooperation agreement between Iran and China to address the problems caused by US economic sanctions. The Chinese Foreign Minister told reporters: "Everywhere you look today, the tide of protectionist sentiment is flowing. China is determined to keep relations with Iran as strong and stable as possible. Commenting on the US sanctions, he said: "Unilateral and inappropriate economic sanctions were imposed." The US news agency Bloomberg writes that the agreement announced with the victory in Tehran has been taken as a wake-up call in the western circles. The agreement is aimed at violating US sanctions on Iran and reducing US influence in the Middle East. According to Indian media, the Iranians say: It took five years to prepare this agreement, as a result of which on March 24, 2021 China has signed a 400 billion deal in Tehran. Another source said: "The Iran-China agreement is a big challenge for Washington."


 Yes, the role of the Middle East in world politics is recognized as a political mirror, reflecting the political changes taking place in the world. The world is enlightened by the role of nations that respect treaties. Such nations first protect national interests, which in turn increases their confidence in the United Nations. China and Iran are among them today. The forces that do not respect the treaties begin to lose their influence. They disappear in the pages of history. Iran is one of the emerging powers in the Middle East. He was punished for violating the agreements made with his people. Today, 40 years after the Iranian revolution, the conspiracies of the colonial powers not only confined it to its borders, but it also endured severe hardships. Today, the situation has begun to move in the direction that the colonial powers have begun to fall into their own trap. Today, the blatant expression of the European powers that American influence in the Middle East seems to be disappearing is a practical proof of this. Because colonialism has made its instrumental circles so incompetent and incompetent with its strategy, that they are not expected to play any role in the future



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